Oxford & Cambridge Society of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)


The Oxford & Cambridge Society UAE provides a focal point for all alumni of Oxford or Cambridge resident in the United Arab Emirates. The Society is free to join and, since being founded by David Spearing in 2005, has grown to over 1,400 members.

We have an active social calendar in both Dubai and Abu Dhabi. Recent highlights include the Boat Race Dinner, the May Ball (actually in May), an Iftar during Ramadan and a debate against Harvard. We also host receptions for academics and dignitaries, hold lectures by visiting professors and arrange frequent, more informal gatherings. Alumni and faculty visiting the UAE are always welcome to attend our events.

We maintain a broad range of links back to Oxford & Cambridge, and actively work with schools and government institutions in the UAE to promote a greater understanding of the opportunities for students at the two universities. We are also keen to support other alumni groups around the world.

If you are resident in the UAE (either Emirati or expatriate) and would like to join the Society, please fill in the short membership form. We can then keep you informed of upcoming events and activities. If you would like to participate in organising events or running the Society, we always welcome your support and ideas. Any further enquiries can be sent by email to the group. You can also join our LinkedIn group. 

The UAE group has an active Whatsapp group for informal networking. Please apply on the WhatsApp link for approval of the Admin.  As with the membership form, we need to ensure only alumni (holding an alumni number) are admitted.

The Committee

•    Chairman - James Maughan (Cantab)
•    Vice Chairman & Ivy League relations - Abdullah Chaudhry (Cantab)
•    Deputy Vice Chairwoman - Ali Draycott (Cantab)
•    Secretariat & Cambridge University relations - Giannis Petras (Cantab)
•    Oxford University relations – Musata Matei (Oxon)
•    Local Alumni Engagement & Events (Dubai) - Rob Jackson (Oxon), Sarah Mahmud (Oxon), Tim Walmsley (Cantab), Nazmina Panju (Cantab), Sadia Khan (Cantab), Sara Anwar (Oxon)
•    Alumni Events (Abu Dhabi) - Dara Latinwo (Oxon)
•    Digital Community Manager – Mohammed Askari Chandoo (Cantab)
•    Schools Liaison -  Ali Tyebkhan (Oxon)
•    Legal & Governance - Peter Gray (Cantab)
•    CAMentrepreneurs/Entrepreneurship Club - James Maughan (Cantab), Ali Draycott (Cantab), Nazmina Panju (Cantab)
•    External Alumni Club Relations – Digant Raj (Cantab)
•    Emirati Outreach - Mohamed al Dah (Oxon)
•    Founder and Honorary Life President - David Spearing MBE (Cantab)


Oxbridge Iftars - 2024

You are warmly invited to join us at one of the three Oxbridge Iftars hosted by fellow alumni, the Bin Shabib Brothers. During the holy month of Ramadan we are honoured to break the fast together.  The three dates are Friday 22 March, Friday 29 March and Friday 5 April, from 5.45pm onwards.