We build awareness, engagement and support for the University of Oxford by offering programmes of value to alumni throughout their lives

We’re located in Wellington Square, and we’re part of the University's Development and Engagement Office.

In addition to the members of our team who sit within Wellington Square we also have an Alumni Board. This exists to advise the Alumni Office on strategy, with a goal of increasing and enhancing engagement amongst its global network of alumni. You can
find out more about the Board and its current members on the Alumni Board page.

You can find answers to common queries in our FAQS or contact us at

Meet the teams

Holly Peterson, Director of Alumni Engagement

Claire Grainger, Deputy Director of Alumni Engagement

 +44 (0)1865 611610 or +44 (0)1865 611618

Claire Larkin, HR & Office Administrator

Delia Skinner, Administrative Assistant

 +44 (0)1865 611613

Tiya Muluzi, Alumni Communications Officer

Kenneth Cheung, Digital & Web Officer

Elina Cotterill, Data and Insights Manager

Christopher Cuthbert, Data Entry Assistant

 +44 (0)1865 611610

Huw Mason, Head of Development and Alumni Events

 +44 (0) 1865 270044

Charlotte Richards, Alumni Networks Manager

Jo Copping, Alumni Networks Coordinator

North America

500 Fifth Avenue, 32nd Floor
New York, NY 10110

 +1 (212) 377-4900


Suite 4018, Cosco Tower
Grand Millennium Plaza
183 Queen's Road Central
Hong Kong

  (852) 2151 3877
Fax: (852) 2151 1109


Sanbancho UF Bldg. 1F
6-3 Sanbancho
Tokyo 102-0075

Fax: 03-3264-0237